Anxieties of a tragedy unforeseen

New patterns of caution and proximity have asserted themselves. If I am on the street (a big if), I have to be walking but never intersecting. Oh, and the second-guessing and self-monitoring: Is that masked person contagious? Should I be avoiding that group of people in front of me? Did I forget to sanitize after the elevator key? Did I touch the gate handle on my way in? Do I have a temperature? Do I feel normal? Is this just the usual headache? Continue reading Anxieties of a tragedy unforeseen

Daily Dissonance: A Reluctant DD Student at IIT Bombay!

for the last six months I have been living two distinct roles – one in the lab and one in the room. And now looking back, I find that I had become quite good, even skilled at it – doing the chores in the lab and then doing my non-academic readings later in the evening, as if the two activities happen in distinct worlds. It feels very weird to have such distinct, discontinuous experiences on the same day, everyday for a long period of time. Continue reading Daily Dissonance: A Reluctant DD Student at IIT Bombay!

Why Understanding of History is Important Right Now?

If I don’t care about you and you do not care about me – atleast nominally – what is the point of coexistence? What is point of bickering on social media? What is the point of this politics of disengaged tolerance? In the last few years, people all over the world have had to come to terms with this question in a dramatic way. The … Continue reading Why Understanding of History is Important Right Now?